Fishery and Aquaculture Support Loan
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Fishery and Aquaculture Support Loan is at Near East Bank

If you are engaged in aquaculture activities, if you are a fish breeder or a hunter, the most suitable loan for your boat, fish breeding ponds-cages, in short, your business is at Near East Bank.

With the Near East Bank Fisheries and Fisheries Support Loan, maintenance-repair expenses of all kinds of tools and equipment related to fishing activities; ice, safe, etc. reception; fry, fish, feed, medicine, fuel, etc. in aquaculture. boat maintenance-repair, fuel, labor and so on. expenses, purchase of all kinds of hunting and breeding equipment; construction of buildings such as production pool, cold storage; purchase of motor, boat, fishing vessel, fish finder systems and fishing nets; in open sea fishing, fish, cage, etc. It offers its customers financial support that can cover the expenditures for the production facility and the purchases of production pools, business buildings and stationary machines that complement them.

Fishery and Aquaculture Support Loan provides financial support with flexible payment advantage and a disbursement amount of up to 100,000 TL.

What are the advantages of
Fishery and Aquaculture Support Loan?

Flexible payment
The maximum utilization amount of 100.000 TL.
Ease of purchasing boats, equipment, materials, meeting repair costs
Apply for
15.000 TL 20.000 TL 25.000 TL

Things to know about
Fishery and Aquaculture Support Loan

  • Başvuru sahibi ve kefillerin Kimlik Kartı veya pasaportun aslı ve fotokopisi.
  • İkametgah belgesi veya müşteri adına kayıtlı (elektrik veya belediyelere ait su faturası vb) resmi belge.
  • Gelir belgesi;
  • Yükümlülük Belgesi (Vergi levhası),
  • İmza sirküleri,
  • Şirket Mükayyitliğinden alınacak bir set onay belgesi (son 15 gün tarihli)
  • Yukarıdaki belgeler kefil gerektiren durumlarda kefillerden de istenecektir.
  • Proform
  • Balıkçılar birliği kayıt belgesi
  • Alıcı ve/veya yüklenici belgeleri
  • Sözleşme veya dağıtım ağı listesi
  • Çek veya teminat mektubu beyanı
  • Geçen yıl karları

Gerekli belgeleri Near East Bank Müşteri Temsilcisine teslim edilip, evrakları imzaladığınız andan itibaren 1 hafta içerisinde size geri dönüş yapıyoruz.

Kredi Türü Miktar Para Birimi Faiz Oranı Dosya Masrafı
Esnek Ödemeli Limitli 100.000 TL 60,00% 2%
  • Pul masrafı
  • Dosya masrafı
  • Risk araştırma bedeli peşin alınacaktır
  • Yaşa göre yıllık veya tümü peşin kredi hayat sigortası yapılması zorunludur.

Apply for Fishery and Aquaculture
Support Loan ,
let's meet with your needs!

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